Saturday, July 14, 2007

Roni, Hasta Luego

Roni arrived safely in California yesterday, and the trip hasn't been the same without her.

I will miss her a lot! We had a blast together. But don't worry bloggers, I am prepared to continue having a great adventure and telling you all about it.

Some things to look forward to:
1.) More blogging. Now I'm lonelier, so I'll be on the internet write me!
2.) Less pictures of Roni (sad!).
3.) Less pictures of me. Unless I try to do some self-portraits.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Digame si usted quiere un buen tiempo muy tranquil.....en Mexico proximo 3 horas norte de Belieze......con Juanaflaco y La Carribean, cervezas, y mas.....vistas bonitas

Pero usted es bueno?......bueno!!!! and bravisimo
